Rachel Carson: Coming to Terms with Nature
Rachel Carson’s second book, The Sea Around Us,became a best-seller and won a National Book Award. Her celebrity allowed her to quit her job in order to write, but fame proved to be a mixed blessing.
Rachel Carson’s The Sea Around Us
The quest to discover the true first edition of Carson’s book is confusing, to say the least. Copies of the book identified as firsts are readily available in the marketplace, but the true first—and even copies of the second printing—are scarce.
Collecting the Pearl of Denmark: Isak Dinesen
She was born Karen Christentze Dinesen in Denmark in 1885. All through her life she refused to be known by any one name or any single profession. More than anything else, she was a superb storyteller; her tales rank with the finest ever written in English. But she is best known for Out of Africa, a reminiscence of her years as a coffee farmer in Kenya.
Books into Film
Out of Africa / Babette’s Feast
Ten Years Ago
Henry Miller