January/February 2022


World War Two in the Pacific

World War Two in the Pacific: An Annotated Checklist of Core Volumes
A CLOSER LOOK: James A. Michener’s The World is My Home

BOOKS INTO FILM: Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison

Antiquarian Notes: 1787. And 500 Years Before.



World War Two in the Pacific

After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and Hitler’s declaration of war against the United States, the Allied plan was to defeat the powerful Germans first, and then focus on the Japanese in the Pacific. It didn’t quite work out that way, with the Japanese drive down to the oil- and raw material-rich countries in Southeast Asia and the critical American victories at Midway and Guadalcanal.

World War Two in the Pacific: An Annotated Checklist

The core works for understanding and appreciating the deadly war in the Pacific are findable, and begin with the classics written by Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan and the comprehensive 15-volume set by Samuel Eliot Morison.

A Closer Look: James A. Michener’s THE WORLD IS MY HOME

Michener’s often overlooked autobiography reveals more fun and adventure than any of his novels—and it’s all true.

Editor’s Letter

Calendar & Catalogue Reports

Books into Film

Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison, a novel by Charles Shaw, a film directed by John Huston

Antiquarian Notes

1787. And 500 Years Before

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Contributors & Upcoming in the March/April 2022 Issue