David McCullough: America’s Historian
Although he had been a writer and editor for many years when he set about to write The Johnstown Flood, David McCullough was not a trained historian. He discovered that he loved research and the process of writing history. Readers, in turn, loved his first book, and every one of them since.
The Death of the Book?
Will electronic readers such as Amazon’s Kindle replace old-fashioned books? We test a Kindle to see whether we prefer it in any way: practically, economically or aesthetically. We even try to be fair.
The West of Dale L. Morgan
Although Dale Morgan’s biography of mountain man Jedediah Smith was written more than 50 years ago, it is so well researched and so well written that no one has yet produced a credible substitute. Anyone who delves into Rocky Mountain history sooner or later comes to realize that Dale Morgan is a dominant presence because of the quality and quantity of his writings.
Ten Years Ago
Charles Willeford
Books into Film
The First Rebel/Allegheny Uprising