Paris in the Twenties: Part One
WHERE THE WORLD CAME TO BE MODERN: In the years that followed WWI, the “moderns” shook off the shackles of Victorianism. Time would prove the writers, artists and thinkers who flocked to Paris then to be the most influential group of creative people of the Twentieth century.
Collecting Henry Miller
When Miller submitted the manuscript of Tropic of Cancerin 1932 to The Obelisk Press in Paris, the publisher knew he was holding a stick of dynamite. There was nothing like it. It was neither fact nor fiction. It was obscene, blasphemous, without reverence for any of our cherished institutions.
Henry Miller: A Checklist
Once Tropic of Cancer was published, Miller never looked back. He wrote steadily until his death in 1980. We present a selected checklist of his major works.
The Hemingway Centennial
1999 was Ernest Hemingway’s centennial year. It was celebrated with the publication of at least 10 new books, plus a plethora of new information emerging from conferences, retrospectives and a host of newspaper and magazine articles. Much of it will be interesting to collectors.
Books into Film – The Sun Also Rises, a novel by Ernest Hemingway, film by Henry King.