April 2000




Not Conan Doyle:
Sherlock Holmes, The Pastiches
Such was the popularity of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s detective that the public created an almost insatiable demand for stories about him, long after Doyle tired of the character. Even into the new millenium, Holmes continues to appear in story after story and novel after novel. Some of the books are already recognized as classics.

Collecting Raymond Chandler
If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, Chandler is most flattered mystery writer in history. One critic wrote, “The Philip Marlowe novels have never been surpassed in their genre, and now qualify as genuine literature.” If he were alive today, Raymond Chandler would be stunned by the prices his early first editions command in the collector’s market. And his greatest works continue to appreciate.

Book Collector’s Glossary
Many of the terms used in book collecting have entirely different meanings outside the field. Mastering this jargon is an important step for collectors.

Books into Film
Farewell, My Lovely, a novel by Raymond Chandler. The Falcon Takes Over, a film by Irving Reis; Murder, My Sweet,a film by Edward Dmytryk; and Farewell, My Lovely, a film by Dick Richards