February 2011




Collecting Eudora Welty
Winner of a Pulitzer Prize for her novel The Optimist’s Daughter, Eudora Welty was one of the most highly regarded and beloved authors of the second half of the Twentieth century. Despite the success of her novels, she is best known for her superb short stories.

Collecting Connections
Book collecting is about making connections. At its simplest, it means connecting together first editions that are all by the same author or about the same subject. But the connections do not have to be quite so simple or apparent to be relevant.

Seriously Funny: Lorrie Moore
Moore was first published at 19, and over the past 30-plus years she has produced a highly regarded body of work that includes three novels, three short story collections and a children’s book. Full of quirky humor and a more than slightly skewed reality, her books stand out for their keen observations of contemporary life.

Books into Film
Sanctuary / The Story of Temple Drake

Previously in FIRSTS
February 1991: John McPhee & Evan Hunter
February 2001: Jim Tully & Maxwell Anderson