January 2004




Collecting John Fowles
Fowles commands a fierce loyalty among his readers, who revel in his ability to manipulate them in much the same way as he manipulates his fictional characters. He is rightly considered one of Great Britain’s living literary giants.

John Fowles: A Checklist of First Editions
Although the American editions of several of Fowles’ key books are the true firsts, the British editions often are preferred by Fowles collectors.

The Changing Face of Book Collecting
Humans are born collectors. The compulsive need to accumulate printed material is as strong as ever. People are still passionate about books; all a potential collector needs is a little help in finding that passion that resides within.

The Complex Legacy of John Sanford 
Today, the works of John Sanford are mostly out of print. But his books continue to evoke fervor among critics and academics, and he has a devoted following of collectors. This brilliant, complex writer, who died last year at the age of 98, is ripe for discovery.

Books into Film
The Citadel, a novel by A. J. Cronin, a film by King Vidor.

Ten Years Ago
January 1994 Checklist Update: Kenneth Roberts

(Photo by Lois Wakeman)