Irony and Elegy:
The War Writings of Paul Fussell
Of the more than 25 books written by literary critic and social historian Fussell, the ones that have brought him the most notice are those devoted to the two major wars of the Twentieth century.
Five Classic World War Two Memoirs
Paul Fussell is one of a handful of university professors who served in World War Two and whose memoirs recall the shattering events of more than 60 years ago. Some of these writers are well known; others deserve to be.
The Writing Yorkshireman:
Collecting Eric Knight
The author of the timeless children’s story Lassie Come-Homewas an intriguing person. During his career, Knight was a newspaper reporter, film critic and author of the classic noir novel You Play the Black and the Red Comes Up, published in the United States under the pseudonym Richard Hallas.
Gather & Bind:
The Fundamentals of Book Collecting
Part One, Collector’s Terms
Books into Film
Mrs. Miniver, a novel by Jan Struther, a film by William Wyler
Ten Years Ago
January 1995 Checklist Update: Charles Bukowski