1611-2011: The Four Hundredth Anniversary of the King James Bible
Publishers far and wide made every effort to capitalize on the celebration. The anniversary books have various merits and problems. Are these books needed? Are they edifying? Do they add to the literature?
The King James Bible: Bibliography
A list of the most important works published for the 400th Anniversary Celebration as well as the earlier popular-audience books, as well as a collation of 1611 Pulpit Folio, the Great “He” Bible.
The Early Christian Church from a Historian’s Perspective: Collecting Bart D. Ehrman
Bart D. Ehrman became a born-again Christian in high school. While at the Moody Bible Institute and Wheaton College, he demonstrated a remarkable ability in ancient languages. When he enrolled at Princeton Theological Seminary, he examined the New Testament in Greek manuscripts. He has come to be one of the most renowned scholars in the field. His spiritual journey has paralleled his historical research.
Bart D. Ehrman: An Annotated Checklist of First Editions
An annotated list of all of Ehrman’s book-length publications, with special attention given to those intended for a popular audience.
Books into Film
A Man for All Seasons
Previously in Firsts
1992 – Davis Grubb; 2002 – W. R. Burnett
Index to Volume 21, 2011