January 2013




MacKinlay Kantor Special Issue
MacKinlay Kantor was a household name in his era. An authority on the Civil War, he won a Pulitzer Prize for his harrowing Andersonville, a massive novel praised for its unblinking authenticity. In addition, Kantor wrote crime and mystery stories, including “Gun Crazy”; classic fables set in the hill country of Southern Missouri, such as The Voice of Bugle Ann; and some of the liveliest personal reminiscences penned by any author.

The Films
Although he worked in Hollywood at various times during his career, Kantor was not comfortable writing screenplays. The motion pictures adapted from his works range from enduring classics to offbeat Westerns to a silly musical comedy.

Previously in Firsts
1992 – John Updike
2002 – P. G. Wodehouse

Books into Film
Glory for Me / The Best Years of Our Lives

Index to Volume 22, 2012