January/February 2015




Elizabeth Madox Roberts: Kentucky’s
Understated Feminist Writer Extraordinaire 

Over the last 50 years a number of female authors have been rediscovered, but Roberts remains neglected. Her great novels, among them The Time of Man, are not polemical or stridently rebellious as many of those accorded canonical status by those who would define feminist literature. They are just better.

The Rise and Fall of Evelyn Scott 
Evelyn Scott was one of America’s most celebrated novelists during the years between the First and Second World Wars. When William Faulkner’s publishers needed someone to help publicize The Sound and the Fury, they chose Scott. Her experimental Civil War novel The Wave is still highly regarded.

William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury:
A Tale Told by an Idiot?
Our publisher finally confronts the novel he gracefully avoided for decades. What did he find? Is it the brilliant novel so beloved by critics and academics, or just rambling, impenetrable, unpunctuated prose? “Cheat sheets” helped.

Unusual Editions, Collectable Books:
Hemingway and Others
What do you do if you don’t have the money to buy the true first editions of authors you want to collect? An experienced collector and book professional offers some suggestions.

Previously in Firsts
January 1995 – Charles Bukowski, John Steinbeck; February 1995 – Alice Walker, Thomas Keneally; January 2005 – Eric Knight, Jan Struther; February 2005 – Richard Powers, Ernest K. Gann.