May 2001




Wandering Women 
Despite the popular misconception to the contrary, intrepid women for centuries have crossed oceans and continents to explore the world and write about it. They all share two common traits: a lust for places unseen, and a need to write about it. We survey some of the best and most interesting books by women travel writers.

Collecting Rick Bass
Living in a remote valley in far Northwest Montana, Bass experiences and writes about the full brunt and beauty of the seasons. Over the past 15 years, the character of his nonfiction has gradually evolved. Now his work is activist and controversial.

Rick Bass: A Checklist 
All of Bass’ books are collectable. Finding a first edition of his first book, The Deer Pasture, in an unclipped dust wrapper is difficult indeed.

A Tribe of One: James Carlos Blake
With only six books to his credit, Blake already ranks among the greatest writers of historical fiction. His lyrical style resonates in a social and cultural context that rings true in every work. He is one of the best and most original writers in America today.

Books into Film 
The Bridge of San Luis Rey, A novel by Thornton Wilder,
a film by Roland V. Lee

Ten Years Ago 
May 1991 Checklist Update: Mari Sandoz